4 Steps to lower your setpoint weight

lower setpoint weight

The 4 steps I am about to give you are the fastest and easiest ways to lower your set point weight and experience more energy while you watch the weight steadily fall off. Pound after pound, week after week.

There is more wrong information out there when it comes to weight loss then we have time to cover but suffice to say it’s more than likely—and the the statistics back me up on this—that what you have tried in the past to lose weight has not worked for you. But today we are here to turn that around and it all has to do with the very important concept of creating a lower setpoint weight for you.

I will give you 4 steps to lower your setpoint weight and further resources if you would like to learn more. Plus, I will share the one real secret to lasting weight loss, stay tuned!

Also be sure to check out this more in-depth blog post that will give you even more information: “What is My Setpoint Weight”

lower setpoint weight

Step 1: The Mental Game of Lowering Your Setpoint Weight

Trying to build a house without the right tools is never going to work and trying to lose weight is no different. There is no house to build but we do need to leave a few things behind. We need to leave behind anything that will weigh us down for our journey. Metaphorically, literally, and especially emotionally.

Forget about the shame and guilt and leave it in the past. Losing weight will continue to be a struggle, and it will always be a struggle, if you don’t let those type of emotions go. Work towards your goals every day with little consistent actions, these are the collective steps that will lead to lasting and permanent results in the long term. Bad Habits are easiest to let go when you have faith in your own ability to accomplish your goals.

Step 2: Lower Your Setpoint Weight With The Correct Information

When it comes to weight loss there are so many distractions and so much noise out there it can be so hard to figure out where to start. Then even when you know where to start it’s easy to follow the latest fad and then lose you way. The science is actually pretty simple when you go to the source and look for reputable and respected institutions such as Brigham Young Women’s Hospital and The UCLA Medical School.

It comes down to one simple principle that will end all the confusion. If you want to lower your set point weight then you really need to focus on eating large amounts of non-starchy vegetables with lean protein, and whole food fats. Want to learn more about how to eat the correct foods to lower your set point? Go here to learn more. Let’s cover step 3 now.

Step 3: 8 Words That Will Help To Lower Setpoint Weight For Everyone

Yup, 8 words are all you need to be slim and full of energy for the rest of your life. It will lower your setpoint weight, make shedding unwanted fat easier than ever before. You will feel like you are 20 years younger.

Why does this work so well? It’s simple really. Every decision you make in life will ultimately, lower or raise your setpoint weight. Nothing is neutral. And the crazy part is that many of the things that we THINK should help us to lose weight actually raise our set point.

Like what?

Stressing about your weight, over exercising at the gym, and probably the worst offender of them all, yo-yo dieting. This really is the hidden cage which is why it is so hard to lose weight.. If you don’t understand how your set point weight works it is so easy to get on the wrong track and put on weight even when it feels like you are doing all the right things.

Those 8 words that will change everything in life from what you eat to how you exercise is: “Will this raise or lower my setpoint weight?”

So simple and yet so very powerful. Life is merely a string of choices, one after another and what we decide at each of those choices determines our future. When you understand that each of those choices will ultimately have an effect it allows you to become more aware of those choices and begin to move in the directions of your goals. Most importantly once you realize this you are ready to begin the true process of massive transformation which we will cover in the next step.

Step 4: Transformation Is The Path To Lower Your Set Point And Become Naturally Thin

Would you agree that trying harder and harder to lose weight has not worked for you? Would you agree that gathering more information and reading another blog post has not helped you lower your setpoint weight up until this point?

In order to lower your set point weight you need to transform your relationship with food, and more than likely transform your relationship with yourself. Because if you love yourself and if you show yourself the compassion you deserve it becomes easier and easier to make the right choices that lead to a lower setpoint weight and permanent, long lasting weight loss.